florist’s bouquet
68.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, if you want you can order it in the extra items just below.
Bouquet affectionately
58.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, if you want you can order it in the extra items just below.
the magic of white...
78.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, if you want you can order it in the extra items just below.
Only for you :)
68.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, you can order it on the items just below
Simply for you
56.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, you can order it on the items just below
Soft pastel bouquet
79.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, you can order it on the items just below
tenderly for you
76.00The picture is for the small size, the vase is not included, you can order it on the items just below
I Love You
99.00The vase is not included in the price.
Variants and prices
Minimum CHF 99.00 / Standard CHF 136.00 / Premium CHF 179.00 -
Happy with Munz...
85.90The vase is not included in the price.
Variants and prices
Minimum CHF 85.90 / Standard CHF 121.90 / Premium CHF 155.90 -
Poetry with roses with...
97.9011% vol.
The vase is not included in the price.
Variants and prices
Minimum CHF 97.90 / Standard CHF 119.90 / Premium CHF 147.90